Review and Approve Content More Easy

Enable executives, marketing directors, purchasers and the like to review layouts and content to determine if they meet specifications and their expectations. They can make their verdict known in a flash – one simple mouse-click is all it takes to give their go or no-go. This makes it so much easier to coordinate with agencies and service providers and handle content across departmental and company lines. It accelerates approvals and gets feedback that much faster, thereby saving time and cutting costs.

In many enterprises, such decisions are often made by people who otherwise rarely work with the publishing system. vjoon K4’s Approval Manager is developed specifically to expedite this process.

For example, a product manager can update prices and edit descriptions and then request approval from the given line manager, who then receives an email with a clickable URL that automatically opens this layout in the browser-based Approval Manager. The line manager can view the entire layout at a glance and make the decision without further ado.


One Smart Workflow

All users and locations are included within one workflow and thanks to an intuitive user interface all users know exactly what to do.


Review Instantly

Managers and executives are working in a browser-based interface and can make changes instantly if necessary.


One Smart Workflow

Managers and executives can approve each content element and the entire layout easily and save a lot of time.

Call +1 (646) 400-0420 or Send Us Your Inquiry to Learn More.